About Me

Hey one and all! It is I, Justin, the maker of Serpens Dice!

I'm a lvl 34 African American hailing from New Jersey and currently residing in California since 2014. 

I've been dice making since October 2022 and will start selling at the end of May 2023. I make my own molds, pour, sand, polish, photographing, posting, answering questions and painting every single die by hand from my home in LA. 

When not making dice, you can either find me working my full time job as a tattooer, painting minis, playing with my adorable dog Athena or playing DND with my girlfriend and our friends. I first played as a Lvl 7 Owlin Gloomstalker named Talon, then a lvl 7 Teifling Oathbreaker Paladin/ Sorcerer named Orlista Stormbringer in my 1st campaign. Now I'm currently playing as a lvl 4 Kobold name Vexus Nightshade who is currently a Fighter/Sorcerer.

I hope you enjoy the dice and thanks for coming along this journey with me!